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Intro To Machine Learning Part 3 Intro

Writer's picture: Afeef AnsariAfeef Ansari

Intro To Machine Learning Part 3

This is part 3 of Intro to Machine Learning, so read the 2 articles before to understand what happens in this article. We will be talking about gradient descent. In gradient descent, a batch is the total number of examples you use to calculate the gradient in a single iteration. So far, we've assumed that the batch has been the entire data set. When working at Google scale, data sets often contain billions or even hundreds of billions of examples. Furthermore, Google data sets often contain huge numbers of features. Consequently, a batch can be enormous. A very large batch may cause even a single iteration to take a very long time to compute. A large data set with randomly sampled examples probably contains redundant data. In fact, redundancy becomes more likely as the batch size grows. Some redundancy can be useful to smooth out noisy gradients, but enormous batches tend not to carry much more predictive value than large batches. What if we could get the right gradient on average for much less computation? By choosing examples at random from our data set, we could estimate (albeit, noisily) a big average from a much smaller one. Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) takes this idea to the extreme--it uses only a single example (a batch size of 1) per iteration. Given enough iterations, SGD works but is very noisy. The term "stochastic" indicates that the one example comprising each batch is chosen at random. Mini-batch stochastic gradient descent (mini-batch SGD) is a compromise between full-batch iteration and SGD. A mini-batch is typically between 10 and 1,000 examples, chosen at random. Mini-batch SGD reduces the amount of noise in SGD but is still more efficient than full-batch. To simplify the explanation, we focused on gradient descent for a single feature. Rest assured that gradient descent also works on feature sets that contain multiple features.

TensorFlow is an end-to-end open-source platform for machine learning. TensorFlow is a rich system for managing all aspects of a machine learning system; however, this class focuses on using a particular TensorFlow API to develop and train machine learning models. See the TensorFlow documentation for complete details on the broader TensorFlow system. TensorFlow APIs are arranged hierarchically, with the high-level APIs built on the low-level APIs. Machine learning researchers use low-level APIs to create and explore new machine learning algorithms. In this class, you will use a high-level API named tf. Keras to define and train machine learning models and to make predictions. tf.Keras is the TensorFlow variant of the open-source Keras API.

The following figure shows the hierarchy of TensorFlow toolkits:

This paragraph focuses on generalization. In order to develop some intuition about this concept, you're going to look at three figures. Assume that each dot in these figures represents a tree's position in a forest. The two colors have the following meanings: The blue dots represent sick trees. The orange dots represent healthy trees. Knowing that now, take a look at Figure 1.

Figure 1. Sick (blue) and healthy (orange) trees.

Can you imagine a good model for predicting subsequent sick or healthy trees? Take a moment to mentally draw an arc that divides the blues from the oranges, or mentally lasso a batch of oranges or blues. Then, look at Figure 2, which shows how a certain machine learning model separated the sick trees from the healthy trees. Note that this model produced a very low loss.

Figure 2. A complex model for distinguishing sick from healthy trees.

At first glance, the model shown in Figure 2 appeared to do an excellent job of separating the healthy trees from the sick ones. Or did it?

Low loss, but still a bad model?

Figure 3 shows what happened when we added new data to the model. It turned out that the model adapted very poorly to the new data. Notice that the model miscategorized much of the new data.

Figure 3. The model did a bad job predicting new data.

The model is shown in Figures 2 and 3 overfits the peculiarities of the data it trained on. An overfit model gets a low loss during training but does a poor job predicting new data. If a model fits the current sample well, how can we trust that it will make good predictions on new data? As you'll see later on in the upcoming articles, overfitting is caused by making a model more complex than necessary. The fundamental tension of machine learning is between fitting our data well but also fitting the data as simply as possible.

Machine learning's goal is to predict well on new data drawn from a (hidden) true probability distribution. Unfortunately, the model can't see the whole truth; the model can only sample from a training data set. If a model fits the current examples well, how can you trust the model will also make good predictions on never-before-seen examples?

A machine learning model aims to make good predictions on new, previously unseen data. But if you are building a model from your data set, how would you get the previously unseen data? Well, one way is to divide your data set into two subsets: training set—a subset to train a model. And a test set—a subset to test the model. Good performance on the test set is a useful indicator of good performance on the new data in general, assuming that: The test set is large enough. You don't cheat by using the same test set over and over.

The ML fine print

The following three basic assumptions guide generalization: We draw examples independently and identically (i.i.d) at random from the distribution. In other words, examples don't influence each other. (An alternate explanation: i.i.d. is a way of referring to the randomness of variables.) The distribution is stationary; that is the distribution doesn't change within the data set. We draw examples from partitions from the same distribution. In practice, we sometimes violate these assumptions. For example: Consider a model that chooses ads to display. The i.i.d. assumption would be violated if the model bases its choice of ads, in part, on what ads the user has previously seen. Consider a data set that contains retail sales information for a year. User's purchases change seasonally, which would violate stationarity. When we know that any of the preceding three basic assumptions are violated, we must pay careful attention to metrics.



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